Round 3

Yeah! I made it to round 3 of Karin Tabke's first line contest. I've never reworked the beginning of a story so much. When you only get one sentence at a time to stand out, it makes you really scruitinize each word. If I wrote an entire book like this it would take me a hundred years at least. But it sure is fun.

The competition started with 74 entrants. Each week another 10 will be culled. At some point there will only be 5 cut. The wait from Friday evening until Monday when the results are posted is a nail biter. But when isn't waiting hard.

There is a lot of variety in the entries. I can't wait to see where the stories are going.

Today's Goal: Figure out line 3
Yesterday's Achievement: Spent the day with my daugnter. We saw the Broadway version of the Lion King.
What I'm Grateful For: Beautiful falls days in Minnesota.