What I didn't do with my weekend

To say I'm having trouble finishing the final edit of Bending to Blackmail is mild. My heart just isn't in it. Now, if a fellow writer came to me and said this same thing, I would be full of positive words and enthusiasm for getting the project done and gone.

Part of my problem is an agent rejection of the partial. She thought there needed to be more romantic tension. And she said the chapters were "almost there". Now, you'd think this would have me jumping up and down. But I feel as if I've been "almost there" for so long now that I'm not really sure where "there" is. I'm beginning to think "there" is the horizon. Always moving further away as you walk toward it.

I'm so ready to work on something besides short contemporary. I was researching the Regency this weekend (bad girl) when I should have been finishing Bending. I've told myself, however, that I need to finish this requested book before I can switch. And yet, I don't work on it. Catch 22.

So, this week, I'm buckling down and getting things finished. My goal is to get it into the mail on Friday. That will make it go away before my birthday on Saturday. Happy Birthday to me. Is it ready? Will it ever be ready? I could mess around with it forever and it might never be "right".

How about you? Sick of the old stuff? Ready for a new adventure?

Today's goal: No TV tonight. Spend four hours working on Bending.
Yesterday's achievement: Figured out a little bit of plot for the historical.
What I'm grateful for: Rainy weekends with nothing to do.
Quote: "Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward." -Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007)