Fresh outlook

Yesterday I wrote a scathing blog and decided not to post it. I was cranky and venting. I’m glad I resisted the urge to complain. Today, I’m in a much happier place. My WIP that I’ve been struggling with is a little clearer. Honestly, I don’t know how authors pitch on 3 chapters and a synopsis. There’s so much that changes from chapter one to chapter twelve as the characters develop through the course of the story.

The other reason I’m in such a great mood is that I’ve decided to attend the New Jersey Put Your Heart In A Book Conference. I recently sold (for money) an article to a magazine and the proceeds will almost cover the trip. Which means I get to fly on a plane and attend a conference in a state I’ve never visited before. And I get to accept my award in person.

Plus, I get to meet an on-line friend for the first time and hopefully meet both the editors I have submissions with. I couldn’t be more excited. One of my goals this year was to attend 2 conferences this year. I love achieving a goal.

The workshop line-up is awesome. Some of my favorite authors are attending. I'm sure I will learn tons of great stuff.

Before I go, I'm determined to get my current WIP done (I set a goal of 9/15/8). I'm already behind the pace I was hoping for. Writing 1000 words a day is so very do-able. Yet I'm struggling because the scenes are not in my head and inspiration has deserted me. A new direction for the ending is helping, at least I have a few more scenes I can write.

It's definitely butt-in-chair, fingers-on-keyboard time. Chapters seven through twelve always seem to be this way. Anyone else struggling with a WIP? What do you do? Wait for inspiration to strike or write through the block?

Today's goal: 1000 words
Yesterday's achievement: ditto
What I'm grateful for: I'm going to the PYHIAB Conference
Quote: "Many books require no thought from those who read them, and for a very simple reason; they made no such demand upon those who wrote them." -Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832), Lacon, 1820