Is smooth bad?

I don't know why the edits on my current WIP are going better than the last book. By smoother I mean, I'm actually excited to work on it. The last book was such an drain to finish I had to take an entire month off to recooperate. I'm not sure if my doubts came into play last time. I had already had the book rejected by Silhouette once this year. I lived in fear that I couldn't fix what was wrong or that in fixing what was wrong, I created other problems.

This time around, after a rough patch in chapter 5 that took way too long to edit/rewrite, I'm speeding through the rest of the chapters. Some of what helps is I'm not actually rewriting the last 3/4 of the book. I've rearranged a few scenes, to take advantage of the emotional arcs of my characters, but I'm not writing all new scenes and trying to blend them with what was already there.

So, I'm left to wonder, if this book isn't wringing me out, am I missing something? Am I glossing over the strong, emotion packed scenes needed in a passion filled love story? If it's easy for me, is it too easy for my characters? Or do I have a better sense of where they are going and how they are going to get there than with my last story?

So, in the style of Carrie in Sex in the City, I'll pose a question: When your writing is going smoothly, is it a bad thing?

Today's Goal: 2 pages chapter 9 edits, get to the post office for stamps to mail Fire and Ice Contest Entry
Yesterday's Achievement: I finished ch 8 edits on time. Added 1000 words to my 2nd HP Instant Seduction contest entry.
What I'm Grateful For: I'm writing with joy!
Affirmation/Quote: "The worst writers are the lazy ones, the self-congratulatory ones. All the good writers I know are nervous wrecks." --Carl Hiaasen