Time flies when you're having fun

Whenever I use that cliche it is a with great deal of sarcasm. Shame on me for letting an entire month go by without posting something here. I love reading other blogs and I should be much better about contributing my thoughts. Recent events, however, are not for public consumption because they are of a sensitive nature and this is a very public forum, even if no one actually knows who I am. And I ask myself, does anyone care about my trials and tribulations?

With four books in various stages of completion, I have been in the grip of indecision for far too long. I have been blessed with an abundance of riches in the various contests I've recently entered and currently have editors judging 3 manuscripts. As I await placement, I just found out that I have 2 ten minute pitch sessions at the WisRWA conference. I have never pitched a book in person before and attacked the experience as I do with anything new: research.

The internet is a marvelous tool. By typing in a few choice words I am able to get all sorts of advice. After a couple hours of wondering what do I pitch I settled on the story that I believe is my most marketable. I learned that I should have a maximum pitch of 2 minutes in length. I discovered that I should wait to be asked about the book before launching into the plot, hook and what makes it interesting. And most intriguing, someone recommended the three word pitch. Imagine that, three words to pitch a 55,000 word novel. So here's what I came up with: 1) ex-boss 2) sailboat 3) Caribbean. This exercise intrigued me so much I began looking at my other 3 novels. A Case of Meddling: Not Really Pregnant. A Christmas Bargain: Fiances Love Triangle. Bending to Blackmail: Revenge Father Framed.

So see, I could pitch a dozen stories in ten minutes. But I think I'll stick to one and hopefully they will be intrigued enough (and not just polite enough) to want to read my story.

Today's Goal: Blog more often
Yesterday's Achievement: Back to writing after dry spell
Grateful for: An abundance of riches in my road to publication