Oh yeah!
After three days of no writing over Memorial weekend (forgot the power cord for my laptop), I'm back in action and making up for lost time.
Hit the 1/3 point tonight.
Oh yeah!
Watched So You Think You Can Dance tonight.
I love the emotion brought to the show by the dancers and the judges.
Some performances bring them to tears and I can't help but join them in appreciating the truly talented.
They've worked so hard to get to the level they're at. So much rides on every performance.
They take my breath away.
I want to be like that. Dedicated to creating something amazing. Working my butt off for little money and just for the love of my art. And then blowing everyone away with my genius and making my way to stardom. Ha!
How strong is your passion? Does it consume you? How deeply do you feel the highs and lows?