Thanks to Laurie Schnebly Campbell and her wonderful Enneagram book I was able to lick my post Black Moment issue from yesterday. I took her on-line class on Fatal Flaws a couple years ago (grrrreat stuff) and had a bunch of notes on the 9 Enneagrams, but haven't used them lately because I'd been having better luck with Archetypes.
Funny thing about this book, the Archetypes weren't working. However, the Enneagrams are spot on.
When I type "The End" I'm going to spend some time thinking about these two ways of creating characters. They overlap in a lot of places, but have a little different way of looking at character traits, flaws, etc.
So, with a little over 10k to go, I'm off and running again.
This weekend, I'm going to attack my synopsis for a final read through and do some editing on the first 3 chapters. I'd like to have a half way pulled together proposal done by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.
Then I'm going to take my daughter out of town to celebrate with a night in a hotel, a little swimming, and some good food.